Energy Transition challenges
The challenges in the energy field demand for a fast-track transfer of innovative solutions from research to application: For the electricity grid, for industry, for the building, for the electric vehicle. –

Extensive Experience in the electricity grid and electric vehicles applications
The company...
INNORA was established as a Spinoff of the University of Western Macedonia, according to the decision No Κ1/Σ153/12-01-2022 of the Senate of the University of Western Macedonia.
INNORA can offer Innovative and revolutionary solutions for effective energy management to the electricity grid, to electric vehicles charging stations networks, to buildings and the industry, and to Renewable Energy Sources and energy storage facilities.
Innovative solutions for companies
Electrical Network Management
Energy Management & Production
Electric vehicles aplpications
All kinds of
Universities &
Research Institutions
Municipalities &
Local Government Bodies
In Greece and
Innovative solutions for companies
Power grid management
Energy Management & Production
Activation in electromobility
All kinds of
Universities &
Research Institutions
Municipalities &
Local Government Bodies
In Greece and

Innovative services for smart energy management
Our services are supplied to the smart grids and energy saving market that is under great development.
This market is tightly connected to cutting-edge technologies, such as IoT, smart grids technology and electromobility.
Our services contribute directly to the strategic priority “Energy and Environment”, of the RIS3 of the region of Western Macedonia.

and upgrade of software tools for energy management applications, for the electricity grid and internal electrical installations, in buildings and the industry

studies and measurements at the electricity grid and buildings and industry

Research results...
transfer to the staff of enterprises by organizing on-demand education projects ans seminars.
Development of a hybrid system that consists of devices
and algorithms that apply decentralized control over:

1. Residential consumers
ncluding EV charging stations, that will contribute to increasing self-consumption.

2. Industrial consumers-prosumers
increasing their operational efficiency and decreasing their energy cost.

3. Microgrids of industrial
and commercial buildings, securing their interoperability and constituting them virtual Power Plants—VPPs.

4. Innovative services
The development of a new remote control service for household and industrial self-producers (prosumers) by energy providers, in order to optimize their operation (net-metering). It will combine load and weather forecasting with the demand management policies of each provider and will be based on the transfer of energy information (eg billing kWh prices) with the help of new communication standards, for applications that also reach electric drive.
- Cost Reduction
- Net Metering
- Remote control
New Applications
Home automation product development system.
KNX building automation product development system from a distance or onsite: The company offers the possibility to other companies to configure their devices according to the KNX building automation protocol, at its facilities and even remotely.

The People of INNORA
UOWM, Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineer PhD
MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki